Dissecting Newt

Newt Gingrich is mad as hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore. President Obama included in his State of the Union Address the sentence “We will win the future.” No phrase including the words “win” and “future” are permitted to be uttered because Gingrich wrote a call to action entitled “Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America” in 2005.

The former Speaker of the House penned the work as a warning to republicans that they needed to be more conservative. You know, less taxes, less spending, less government regulation. And what’s his proof that he’s right and everybody else is wrong? I’m not making this up – these are actually his own words:

They didn’t listen and suffered the consequences in the 2006 and 2008 elections.

“They”, meaning fellow republicans who failed to heed his warnings. That’s right. In his attack piece against Obama and all things liberal, his entire defense is exactly one sentence long. Nothing wrong with brevity, let’s see if his argument makes sense.

Gingrich is trying to prove that America needs to be more conservative. He wrote a book espousing his beliefs. After the book was published, Americans voted to put more liberals in office. (Twice.) Therefore, America needs to be more conservative. This is called a post hoc fallacy in logic. Actually, the argument is so spurious, it falls into not just one, but several subsets of post hoc fallacy.

Should America be more conservative? Maybe, maybe not. (I happen to think not.) The point is, if Newt Gingrich is going to run against Barack Obama next year, he’s gonna need to sharpen his reasoning skills.

5 responses to “Dissecting Newt

  1. Remember when liberals tried crawling all over Newt’s having compared a ground zero mosque to Nazi insignia being placed at the Holocaust museum?

    Can the hatred that it takes to fly civilian planes into a center for commerce be equated to the hatred Hitler had for Jews? Yesitcan!

    Even the left has referred to the initial judgment in the Hudson New Jersey case as “bone-headed judgment.” Sadly far too many U.S. judges have let far too many perps off and women have either suffered, died or had to sleep with one eye open for months at a time until judgments can be overturned.

    The difference between “evil right-wing extremists” and liberals is we care about individuals. Many liberal folk aren’t awakened to reality until, God forbid, something “hits close to home,” or they lose someone to a violent offender. Sad. Really, really sad.

    • What in God’s name are you talking about? The Hudson River tunnel project canceled by Gov. Chris Christie, where he broke dozens of laws and basically stole federal tax dollars, and you have the nuts to point your finger at liberals? That completely defies logic!!!

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