Paul Ryan’s Express

The Bush and Clinton administrations, the current and previous Federal Reserve chairmen, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner all bear some responsibility for the economic collapse of 2008. Those are the just-released findings of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. However, only one of the Big Three agrees with those conclusions – the democrats. The Republican Party, along with their feistier younger brother, the Tea Party; refute the notion that risky financial schemes that netted trillions with virtually zero oversight should have raised any concern whatsoever.

As Paul Ryan explained, “We believe, as our founders did, that “the pursuit of happiness” depends upon individual liberty; and individual liberty requires limited government.” and, “Limited government and free enterprise have helped make America the greatest nation on earth.”

So we had to bail out the banks. Big deal. That doesn’t mean we have the right to regulate them. That’s not the American way…

Just A Suggestion…

I have never been more ashamed to be an American than I am today.

Family Research Council cofounder George Alan Rekers gets caught with his pants down (metaphorically) while palling around Europe with a Rentboy. Christervatives jump to his defense. It was a setup. He didn’t know the escort was gay. There’s no proof anything inappropriate occurred. He’s being crucified by the Left.

Look, I don’t give a crap if Rekers is gay. More power to him. But a gay Evangelical championing an anti-gay agenda screams of hypocrisy. That’s the problem here. Rekers is the guy who fought against the Boy Scouts allowing homosexuals to join their ranks. He led the fight to prohibit homosexuals from being able to adopt. He was one of the “pray-the-gay-away”-ers. 

The very same people who are defending Rekers are attacking the President’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan. Why? Because she’s a lesbian! (Full disclosure: So am I.) And I’m not talking about well-reasoned opposition to anything relevant to her ability to adjudicate. I’m talking about the most vile, despicable, hate-filled vitriol I’ve come across in a hell of a long time.

Kagan excelled at Princeton, Oxford, and Harvard. She clerked for Judge Abner Mikva of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Then she clerked for Justice Thurgood Marshall of the U.S. Supreme Court She was pretty busy working for President Clinton. During his Administration she was an Associate White House Counsel, Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, and Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council. Then, in 2003, she was the first woman to be named Harvard University’s Dean of the Law School. She then became President Obama’s Solicitor General.

Now, if you Tea Klux Klan-ers want to go after Elena Kagan based on her stellar record, go ahead. Good luck. But if all you’ve got is a bunch of homophobic hate-speech, shut the hell up and move to Iran, where according to Ahmadinejad, there are no homosexuals.

Blame Barack

Polls have time and time again proven that the mainstream media controls the message.

Right now, hot topics include Arizona’s show-me-your-papers law, the BP Oil Spill, the Tennessee floods, the worst recession in history, and the Times Square firecracker bomber. In each case, the talking heads have made it crystal-clear: It’s all Obama’s fault.

Apparently, there was no illegal immigration problem in this country prior to 2009. It seems as though the President himself must have been pouring the cement for the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. Immediately sending aid to the flood victims in Tennessee was the worst thing Barack could have done. Where was the all-important photo-op? Steadily declining job-losses, and now four months of gains in a row, prove beyond any doubt the President’s economic policies are bringing the nation to its knees. And Faisal Shahzad would never have tried to blow up Times Square if Bush were still in charge. Everyone knows there were no terrorist attacks when he ran things.

America must fail. Obama’s a racist. His dastardly plan to systematically destroy this country must be thwarted – at all cost. All these “truths” are blaring in our ears and blinding our eyes every time you turn the TV on, listen to satellite radio, or read anything on the internet.

No freakin’ wonder everyone’s on Zoloft…

What A Joke

“Where are the jobs?” – That was John Boehner’s response when the latest jobs numbers were released. Once again, the country was on the plus-side: 290,000 new jobs in April. That makes four months of positive employment growth in a row. As usual, the previous month’s numbers were actually better than original estimates, so April’s will be as well. But as it stand now, April had the largest one-month gain in over four years. And the increase in manufacturing jobs was the best we’ve had in twelve years. So what the hell is the House Minority Leader talking about?

Who cares. He’s talking…

The mainstream media will always spend more time on the negative than the positive. No matter how wonderful things are cruising along, anyone who complains in front of a camera is guaranteed to get a lot of coverage. Take the Tea Klux Klan, for example. If they really cared about the economy, they’d have stormed the gates of Bush’s White House. If they really cared about the deficit, they’d be demanding taxes be tripled to pay down our debt. If they really cared about Individual Rights, they sure as hell wouldn’t support Arizona’s show-us-your-papers law. The vast a majority of these folks merely want “their country” back, now that we have a Black President.

But they get tons of media coverage, don’t they?…

The mainstream media has dubbed the BP Oil Spill “Obama’s Katrina”. The Times Square firecracker bomber is “Obama’s 9/11.” Does it matter that these sound-bytes have no basis in reality? Of course not. All the media cares about is ratings. “Fair and Balanced”? What a joke.

Just like Boehner and his pals playing the Fear Card over this latest terrorist attack attempt. They’d rather score political points by trashing Obama on Security issues than allowing the President’s nominees for dozens of posts – mostly Security related – to at least come up for a vote. “Country First”? What a joke.

Rush Limbaugh Lied

On Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh stated that Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square firecracker bomber, was a registered Democrat. Rush then quipped, “I wonder if his SUV had an Obama sticker on it.” Mildly humorous, I’m sure those on the Right thought it was hilarious.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t true.

Media Matters for America has contacted the offices of the registrar in Shahzad’s hometowns and confirmed that Shahzad is in fact not a registered voter in those towns. Nevertheless, Fox News-ers and right-wing bloggers are running with the story anyway. This is another example of the lie being more powerful than the truth. (Birthers…)

Now, when Glenn Beck says he thinks the President is a racist, he has every right to do so. When Limbaugh says he hopes the President fails, again, he has every right to do so. But isn’t there something wrong with broadcasting an outright lie? And there’s nothing subjective about this one. Rush Limbaugh lied. Period.

James O’Keefe’s false exposé of ACORN was accepted as not only true, it was lauded as great journalism. Fox had the unedited tapes and knew what a crock O’Keefe was peddling. Didn’t matter. They ran with it anyway. And just like with Rush’s latest lie, the rest of the media jumped right on board. Just as the real story came out too late then, most people now still don’t know that Limbaugh’s recent statement was nothing but a big fat lie.

I’m all for Free Speech. It’s vital to America’s Liberty.

 But where do we draw the line?